Schrodinger's Week

The φ@I Club Week

Project maintained by IISERM Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Hello, Scions of Newton!

We’re back, and we’re keeping our annual promise!


It wouldn’t be wrong to say that we all resemble close to the particle in a box now, oscillating at the lowest node (yep, your bed).

Φ@I with the active support of Turing Club and Lumiere has attempted to bring down the large potential walls around you to ensure your safe tunneling to the world of fun just to unleash your potential and an opportunity to prove how big a physics geek you are!

Providing a safe haven in such precarious times, Φ@I surely presents Schrodinger week 2020. With a new avatar as a completely online event, it comes with a promise of delivering fun and challenging activities that will surely test your mettle!

So choose your favourite dimension and make sure you have your creation operator set against our challenge Hamiltonian!

This year we still have the old classics, Hackathon - Code The Matrix, and a Virtual Treasure Hunt (Inspired by Turing Club) GalactiQuest- A Space Adventure, but this year, we’ve also tried to come up with new and original online events, Explain Like I am Five and Particle In A Box.

We also have events on themes of Science meets Art, which will run throughout the week, Meme Making - MEMEATICA, T-Shirt Design, and Frame It - An online photography competition with Lumiere.

And that all too with cash prizes worth Rs 5000!

We kick it off on Monday(17th August) by a webinar by Dr. Steffen Rulands from the Max-Planck Institute, Germany.

We hope you all will enjoy it!

Events and Dates

Event Name Day Time Prizes worth Website Link
Webinar - Dr. Rulands Monday, 17th August 5pm - /ruland
Code The Matrix Tuesday, 18th August 8pm - 12pm 1200 /code-the-matrix
ELI5 Saturday 23rd August(Final Date) 11:59 pm 700 /eli5
Particle in a Box Friday, 21st August 4pm - 8 pm 700 /piab
Treasure Hunt To be decided 6pm onwards 1200 /thunt
Meme Making 23rd August (Final Date) 11:59 pm 300 /memes
Tee Shirt Designing 23rd August (Final Date) 11:59 pm Free T-Shirt /tees
Frame It! Visit Website Visit Website 300 * 2 /frame-it