Tentative plan for the event
Level 1:
Goal is to visualize and play around with familiar concepts in physics using the computer as a tool. Some ideas used in research based computational physics can be touched upon, but the topics are simple and exploration based, more reminiscent of physics-based game engines.
- (Euler integration) -> Simple pendulum
- Progression: Add drag/damping forces; Add external driving; Try to observe resonance.
- Explore: Higher order integration schemes
- (Euler integration, Primitive Collision detection) -> Billiard Balls
- Progression: Create a Scene with bouncing balls under gravity; incorporate friction, energy losses upon bouncing, etc.
- Explore: Event-driven approach (alternative to brute integration)
- (Velocity-Verlet integration (?), Intro/Necessity of symplectic solvers) -> n-body gravity
- Progression: Write the code so it is extensible to add other properties; e.g. Electric charge.
- Explore: Optimization schemes for large # of objects, Application in MolDyn.
- (Basic) -> Visualize electric field due to distribution of fixed point charges.
- Progression: Given the functional values of electric field at a grid of coordinates, plot equipotential surfaces. (Marching Squares, contouring algorithm)
- Explore: How to extend this for an arbitrary continuous charge distribution?
- (RK4 integration, maybe a bit of sympy) -> Double Pendulum
- Progression: Extend to arbitrarily many pendula; Simulate an actual rope (which can get slack, unlike Simple Pendulum) by modelling it as a large collection of coupled pendula.
- Explore: How to model rigid bodies with arbitrary constraints? (without hard-coding every such property)
- (Euler integration) -> Simple pendulum but with springs instead of rigid rods.
- Progression: Extend to arbitrary number of objects and springs. Incorporate basic collision system to make primitive model of soft bodies.
- Explore: NA
- (??) -> Visualize electric field due to accelerating point charge(s).
- (Ray-tracing) -> 2D setup; light rays interacting with mirrors and lenses
- Progression: NA
- Explore: Extend to 3D.
- (??) -> Code a setup to specify and simulate arbitrary electric circuits to solve for current, voltage, etc. (in-house version of SPICE)
- Progression: NA
- Explore: NA
Level 2: