Set is a well defined collection of objects. Well defined here means that an element of the Domain x should be unambiguously belong to or not belong to set S.
x∈A ≡ “x belongs to set A”
x∉A ≡ “x does not belong to set A”
- All elements unique.
- Unordered.
Sets need not be of a particular “type” - {{1,2,3},6,7} May also be infinite. {1,2,3,4….} Null/Empty set = {} = ∅
Operations on sets
- Subset: A⊆B. “A is a subset of B.” x∈A⟹ x∈B.
- Equality: A=B iff A⊆B ∧ B⊆A. “A is equal to B.” x∈A ⟹ x∈B ∧ x∉A ⟹ x∉B
- Proper Subset: A⊂B x∈A ⟹ x∈B ∧ A≠B.
- Complement: U∖A OR Ac. Exactly all x’s in U NOT in A.
- Union: A∪B. “A union B”. Exactly all elements in A ∨ B.
- If {Aα} is a collection of sets indexed by I, then ⋃Aα = set of x st x∈α0 for some α ∈ I.
- Intersection: A∩B “A intersection B”. Contains exactly all elements in A AND B.
- x∈ ⋂Aα iff x ∀α∈I, x∈Aα
- Cartesian Product: A×B “Cartesian Product of A and B”. Its the collection of all 2 element sequences (a,b) st a∈A, b∈B
- A1×A2×…×An is the collection of all n element sequences (ai) st ai∈Ai
- Relation operator: aRb “a is related to b”. A relation is a subset of A×B.
- Function: f: A → B. It is a relation such that
- ∀a∈A, ∃b st aRb.
- aRb and aRc ⟹ b=c.
- Equality of functions - f=g ⟹ f⊆g ∧ g⊆f.
Σ is a finite set called an “alphabet”.
The finite sequence is called a string.
A language over Σ is a set of strings.