L∘L and L*
Building an NFA for these are explained in the book
L* cannot be proven to be regular by assuming it to be ϵ ∪ L ∪ L2 ∪ … because this is an infinite union, as infinite unions are not necessarily regular.
Building Regular Languages
Can we build a regular language with the following - “ϵ”, singletons, {} and operations ∪, ∘, *? We know all languages built by such a construction are regular.
Thm: All regular languages can be built in such a way
Regular Expressions
Defn: R is a regex over Σ if R is
- a for some a ∈ Σ
- ϵ
- ∅
- finite R1∪R2
- finite R1∘R2
- R
If Σ = {0,1}
- 0
- 1
- 01 } O∪1
- (01)*
- 011∘(0∪1)*
- (0∪1)*∘111
- 011∘(0∪1)*∘111
Why regex?
Regex is a terse way to describe a DFA. A computer can then simulate the DFA and then do a pattern matching. Eg commands on linux-
- grep
- sed
Hence we try to build a regex from a DFA. Take a DFA, and break it down to the minimal states as above. We remove one state and replace it with a “black” box denoted by a set of regex’s for all the possible state changes.
- forks can be a set of tuples (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b)
- loops can be replaced by a *.